<aside> 👋 Welcome to Outlier Growth! We share methods to stand out to (finally) get customers to buy. Proven by the world’s largest companies, with the fluff removed for small businesses.
You’ve heard of a few email services, but you’re not sure what they do. No worries. That’s what the top list blogs are for, right?
So you Google “best email providers for business.” You find a list of the top 40.
You pick a few email services at random and open them up in new tabs. You’re skimming the websites trying to figure out which is the best for your business.
You have 13 tabs open and you feel the options start to blend together.
All the services feel similar, so you can’t figure out why you would choose one service over another:
Not helpful at all, right?
So when it’s this hard for you to choose a service, imagine how hard it is for customers to choose you.
You know what makes you amazing, but do potential customers?
When solutions feel similar how do you get customers eager to choose you?